What is PAMS?

2 minutos de lectura

The PAMS (Annual Software Maintenance Policy) is a policy that provides you with full coverage to upgrade to receive -from Grupo Tress Internacional (GTI)- the update to the new Sistema TRESS – released in the last year-. In this way, we maintain our commitment to support you in complying with your obligations in a timely manner, ensuring that your company is fully protected against law changes.

This year, the PAMS provides you with direct access to enjoy the following updates:

  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Now you can access multiple systems with the same username and password.
  • Multifactor Authentication Method (MFA): You can verify your identity using your preferred authentication method.
  • Enhanced payroll dispersal process: Your files now travel encrypted to the bank, preventing data tampering.
  • Automation of the accounting policy generation process and exportation in an encrypted file.
  • Incorporation of a medical inventory to review stock and expiration dates in the Medical Services module.
  • New “To-Do” dashboard in the Supervisors module allowing you to review and address critical points related to employee attendance.
  • Improvements in the Tools & Equipment module: You can now plan, renew, and estimate costs of your company’s material assets, assign tools, incorporate evidence of delivery and deactivate material that is no longer in use.

Find out more about how we can help you improve your human resources activities here.

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